Course curriculum

  • 1

    Basics 1.1. Trucking business. The main parties.

    • DICTIONARY 1.1.

    • 1.1. SHORT. Trucking business. The main parties.

    • Example of the Quiz 1

  • 2

    Basics 1.3. How to choose a load.

    • DICTIONARY 1.3.

    • 1.3. SHORT. How to choose a load.

    • Example of the Quiz 2

  • 3

    Basics 1.4. Strategy – what is it and why do you need it. Examples of strategies.

    • DICTIONARY 1.4.

    • 1.4. SHORT. Strategy – what is it and why do you need it. Examples of strategies

  • 4

    Basics 1.5. How much to ask for a load and when to ask for more.

    • DICTIONARY 1.5.

    • 1.5 SHORT. How much to ask for a load and when to ask for more.

  • 5

    Basics 1.6. Which states are better to avoid and how much to ask for loads going there to still make profit? What if the driver gets stuck (no good loads out)?

    • 1.6. SHORT. Which states are better to avoid and how much to ask for loads going there to still make profit? What if the driver gets stuck (no good loads out)?

  • 6

    Basics 1.7. Script of a call

    • 1.7. SHORT. Script of a call.

  • 7

    Basics 1.8. Specifics of emails.

    • 1.8. SHORT. Specifics of emails.

  • 8

    Basics 1.9. The main source of available freights – load boards (DAT, CH Robinson, JB Hunt, TQL).

    • 1.9. SHORT. DAT.

    • 1.9. SHORT. CH Robinson.

    • 1.9. SHORT. JB Hunt.

  • 9

    Basics 1.10. Commodities and which ones you should avoid. Protect from freeze.

    • DICTIONARY 1.10.

    • 1.10. SHORT. Commodities and which ones you should avoid. Protect from freeze.

  • 10

    Problems 2.1. What to do if the driver has damage/shortage/over shipped product or rejected freight?

    • DICTIONARY 2.1.

    • 2.1. SHORT. What to do if the driver has damage/shortage/over shipped product or rejected freight?

  • 11

    Problems 2.2. Typical problems at pickup and delivery: the driver is sent to another warehouse, the load has different weight, different length of LTL, rejected trailer, lost BOL.

    • DICTIONARY 2.2.

    • 2.2. SHORT. Typical problems at pickup and delivery: the driver is sent to another warehouse, the load has different weight, different length of LTL, rejected trailer, lost BOL.

  • 12

    Advanced 3.1. Specific loads: round trip, multiple stop load, straight through/hot load, drop trl, drop and hook, power only.

    • 3.1. SHORT. Specific loads: round trip, multiple stop load, straight through/hot load, drop trl, drop and hook, power only.

  • 13

    Advanced 3.3. Loads picking up and/or delivering to convention centers.

    • 3.3. SHORT. Loads picking up and/or delivering to convention centers.